Using multiple hard disk images

Although LDOS hard disk images are limited to 64MB in size, MISE is capable of accessing alternate images on an IDE/CF disk. The 64MB restriction results from LDOS' inability to address more than 1024 cylinders or 8 heads on a disk. IDE, however, permits as many as 65536 cylinders and 16 heads.

To see how many images your CF card can hold, run the IDEBOOT utility without any arguments. This will display the active image number, a number of complete images and a number of partial images. Complete images consist of 1024 cylinders, regardless of how many are actually used by your logical disks. Partial images can use up to the number of cylinders shown. The minimum 2GB CF cards shipped with MISE can usually hold six complete images and two partial images.

MISE comes with only the default image, number 0, populated. Before you can boot an alternate image you must first populate it. There are two approaches.

Creating an alternate hard disk image using floppies

You'll need MISE system floppies. Place the MISE3 bootable floppy in the first floppy drive. Holding down <SHIFT> while pressing <ENTER>, issue the command:


where <n> is the number of the image you wish to populate. When the floppy finishes booting, proceed with the instructions given here for initializing a hard drive from scratch. Once you've created the bootable hard drive, you can populate additional drives on the image. Afterward, IDEBOOT <n> will boot the image directly. IDEBOOT 0 or resetting the TRS-80 will return to the default image.

Copying an existing hard disk image to an alternate image

Use the IDEBACK utility to copy the entire current image to another image:


The device number is 1 for the Primary IDE device (CF card) and 2 for the Secondary. The image number ranges from 0 to the maximum allowed on the specific device, as determined by its number of cylinders and heads. For example, this command:


copies the current image on the primary device to the second image on the primary device, after which you can IDEBOOT 1 if the current image is bootable. And the command:


copies the current image to the first position on the secondary IDE device, making that CF card bootable if it is moved into the primary IDE slot. You cannot directly boot images on the secondary IDE device.

The two images must be the same size (that is, both complete or both identical-sized partial images). Be aware that doing this will overwrite the entire contents of the destination image.

The time required to perform an image copy varies with how much disk space is used. Allocation units (grans) that are not part of any file are not copied.

After populating an alternate image on a CF card (that is, IDEBACK to image number > 0) it is strongly recommended that you rename (change the volume label) of drive :0 of the new image. This is because alternate images are initially exact duplicates of image 0, and it can be difficult to tell which image is currently active. For example:

	IDEBACK (D=1,I=1)

Now when you boot the alternate image, the new volume label "IMAGE1" will be displayed on the LDOS boot screen, with the FREE command, and in directory listings of drive :0.

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