Using the ROM-based double-density floppy disk adapter driver
MISE ships with floppy drives :6 and :7 set up for single-density operation. If you have a double-density adapter installed, you can load its drivers after booting MISE. For example LDOS's FDUBL utility installs high-memory drivers for the Tandy and Percom/Aerocomp adapters.
In its ROM extension MISE includes a driver for any of these three types of double-density adapters, allowing its use without consuming high memory. In order to enable this driver, use the DDEN/CMD utility. To disable the ROM driver execute SDEN/CMD, enter SYSTEM (SYSGEN), and then reboot.
Note: MISE units sold starting in 2018 ship with DDEN installed. In order to use FDBUL instead you will first have to enter SDEN, SYSTEM (SYSGEN), then reboot.
If you have a double-density adapter but don't wish to use the ROM-based driver, issue the command:
to load a driver into high memory. Use (PERCOM) for an Aerocomp adapter since they are software-compatible.
In either case, you must enter SYSTEM (SYSGEN) to save your driver changes to hard disk.
If you ever wish to revert to MISE's original driver configuration, enter the command:
then reboot.