FTP/CMD, the File Transfer Protocol client

FTP/CMD is a full-featured FTP client which allows you to connect to FTP servers in order to store and retrieve files. At least 32KB of TRS-80 RAM is required.

	FTP [host-name [IP-port]]

A DNS lookup of host-name will be performed if required. IP-port defaults to the standard FTP control port number 21. If no arguments are specified, FTP enters command-line mode.

The M3SE FTP client behaves very much like a standard UNIX-style version. Doing a web search for "man ftp" should provide enough information to get started. The commands ? and help display a list of implemented commands. You can use help <command> to get a brief description of a specific command.

Local TRS-80 file and disk drive names are converted to UNIX-style pathnames. A virtual root directory "/" contains a numbered subdirectory for each TRS-80 disk drive, and slashes in TRS-80 filenames are converted to periods. For example /0/readme.txt refers to the TRS-80 file README/TXT:0. Use the lcd command to set the current local directory, for example lcd /5. If you need to access password-protected TRS-80 files, set the local password with the lpass command.

When using the single get and put commands, you can specify a different local or remote filename (and/or path) respectively as a second argument. This allows flexibility in dealing with LDOS's restricted filenames.

When using the multiple-file commands mget and mput, you can alter individual filenames if you are in prompting mode (see the output of the status command.) When asked something like mget longfilename.longext? during an mget command for example, you can answer "y <local-filename>". Likewise for mput where you can specify a different remote filename after the y.

Pattern matching, for example with the multiple-file commands mget, mput, and mdelete, always uses the method implemented on the machine where the files exist. So if you are connected to a UNIX-like server, you can probably use regular expressions like mget m*.cmd to retrieve all remote files whose names start with m and end with .cmd. When referring to TRS-80 local files, however, LDOS-style pattern matching is used. You would therefore type mput m.cmd (no asterisk) to prospectively store all local files whose names start with m and end with .cmd. Since this could cause some misunderstanding about exactly which files you wish to store, you can turn off local filename "globbing" with the glob command.

As with any FTP client, be careful to properly set ascii or binary mode before transferring files!

Here are the settings available in your NETWORK/CFG file (with their default values):

	[FTP Client]
	Max Retries = 6
	Login = "anonymous"
	Directory = "/"		# default GET/PUT logical drive

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